Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dreamy List

Here is a list of things I would like to do someday:

1. Be a cowgirl
2. Take a trip to Marakesh, buy a monkey at an exotic pet market and smuggle it back to the US as a baby in a blanket
3. Make wine from grapes I stomp with my own feet
4. Create a garden that tells the time of day by which flower is blooming (it's gardenia o'clock!)
5. Spend an entire month without a cell phone, clock or computer
6. Take a summer to cross the US with a van and teepee
7. Tour some islands in the South Pacific in a canoe
8. Train a herd of goats to follow me around as I sing to them
9. Learn to play Chopin on the ukelele
10. Take the Trans-Siberian railway to Mongolia
11. Break into a pool somewhere in the United Arab Emirates
12. Have a pet elephant
13. Compete in a camel race
14. Create a miniature farm with pygmy goats, Shetland ponies, miniature cows and my pet monkey as a cowboy
15. Turn 80, move to Florida, wear only terry cloth clothing and play bridge and shuffle board all day

I'd love to hear yours!


  1. "Tour some islands in the South Pacific in a canoe" -- it both pains me and makes me elated that there are more islands there than anyone could ever get to in their lifetime...as long as they are sitting behind desks.

    "Take the Trans-Siberian railway to Mongolia" - Mongolia is high on my list.

    My main one is that I'd like to be flown into a remote Alaskan cabin on a lake. Bring all the supplies and company to live there until the snows return.

  2. I have a similar dream about spending the winter in Vermont in a cabin with a bunch of really creative people and just making things all winter long and listening to music and drinking hot chocolate and cooking.....

  3. 1. open a food cart - test kitchen
    2. remodel a house or build one, something small
    3. go to brasilia, to see some oscar niemeyer
    4. play fantasy football for a season and really get into it
    5. care more about the capitalization of letters
    6. circumnavigate the u.s. by car or bike
    7. get a job naming colors for paint or lipstick
    8. call my family more often
    9. knit something out of the fur of one of my pets or my own hair
    10. learn to stop worrying and love the bomb
    11. grow a green wall, inside or out
    12. go to the top of the worlds tallest building when it is still the worlds tallest building
    13. invent and build a mechanism that stops time so that i can take as long as i want to make dinner
    14. get my superpower working - ability to measure things/distances with my eyes
    15. finish the post jenny asked me to do for think-make-think
